Music at St. Mark’s
In the rich tradition of Anglicanism, St. Mark’s is a congregation which values great music in worship. From our Sunday Eucharist services to Taize services, we find ways to elevate the spirit through excellence in music. The stone walls and floors of our church provide excellent acoustics for choral and instrumental performances.
Our choir, under the direction of our Organist and Director of Music Mary Hamlin-Spencer, welcomes singers of all skill levels and ages. Currently, rehearsals are on Sunday mornings at 9:15am before the service – new members are always welcome!
The Karl Wilhelm Tracker Organ
The Opus 93 Pipe Organ, built in 1984 by Karl Wilhelm of Quebec, Canada is the jewel of our music program. The two manual, 23 rank neo-baroque style mechanical action organ robustly leads everything from Bach to modern hymnody.
[CLICK HERE] for more detailed information on the pipe organ and its specifications from the Organ Historical Society’s Pipe Organ Database.